Monday, November 24, 2008


Jutekompaniet is a company who are investing in Bangladesh and at the same time sponsoring The Dhaka Project as it can be read in a recent entry in this blog.
They just started and are feeling enthusiastic about the results they are getting in the Norwegian city of Drammen, through the business they developed by producing Bangladeshi jute bags and exporting them to the Norwegian market. These bags will appear with a tag describing The Dhaka Project in Norwegian language (as in the picture beside) and in many cases with a logo of the shops that acquired the bags.
The management team at Jutekompaniet also informed us that Norwegian people are very positive to the fact they are supporting The Dhaka Project when buying these bags, feeling heartily connected with the cause of the poorest.
A newspaper in Drammen published an article about Jutekompaniet mentioning that they are supporting TDP as in the link, with the title "Bag med samvittighet" that means "Bag with consciousness", and mentioning the environmentally friendly jute material and that it is a means of showing Drammen a little to the world.
They finalize the article with the sentence, "Foruten en miljøvennlig produksjon vil ti prosent av overskuddet gå til Dhaka Project i Bangladesh til arbeid mot fattigdommen i slummen i Dhaka." that means, "In addition to an environmentally production, ten percent of the profit will go to Dhaka Project in Bangladesh to the work against poverty in the slums in Dhaka."
And we at The Dhaka Project wish to express a tremendous thank you to Jutekompaniet for their supportive kindness as well as to Norwegian people in Drammen.
Takk Jutekompaniet. Takk folk i Drammen! :)

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