Thursday, December 25, 2008


Very recently, Maria with Herman and Nurul have spent two days distributing thousands of leaflets in crew boxes at new Emirates CBC appealing to pilots and crew to take suitcases to Dhaka.
We made leaflets to encourage crew and pilots to donate their skills and volunteer to carry items to Dhaka ..
Hermn Tanielu and Nurul Islam helped getting lots of free leaflets to this task.
In spite of we being able to witness heroic feats performed by pilots and other crew taking huge loads of suitcases with clothes to Dhaka, we couldn't manage to get them all in the field, being 40 suitcases left behind at old CBC waiting for a good soul to bring them back to our stores.
And the angel appeared in the form of Herman who were to old CBC 6 times to get all back to our store, having paid from his own pocket for the trips to CBC. So this means that we have 40 pieces ready to be taken to Dhaka, suggesting volunteer pilots to perform a kind of 'no cash' but carry a suitcase to provide our children with beautiful and still good clothes.
Moreover, Herman and Nurul are running every Friday Garage Sale being Herman also committed in tidying the donations in the store.
A nice boost to our sales and hopefully to getting items in Dhaka!
Many thanks to volunteers Herman Tanielu and Nurul Islam for the good job done and the huge boost provided!!!

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